Residential Indoor Pools. On the flip-side, fiberglass and vinyl residential pools are less to maintain (chemically that is) while a quality concrete or plaster swimming pool are the most expensive. Designed and built to the highest standards, for your garden or extension to your home, a Pinelog swimming pool can add to the health and well being of you and your family.
As great and informative as we've created this site to be, nothing beats picking up the phone and calling us to discuss preventing or ending humidity problems in your indoor pool.
When building an indoor inground swimming pool you should consult with a local engineer in regards to heating and ventilation which are very important to control comfortable humidity levels in the swimming pool area. "Pool builders typically aren't the reason for dysfunctional indoor residential pools, but they're usually the ones that get blamed," says Hogan, a product development engineer and CPO in Dectron International's Roswell, Ga., office.
With an indoor pool, homeowners can still achieve an outdoor feeling when they are craving it in the warmer months. If you want something cleaner and more reliable than a rock-and-mud swimming hole in your backyard and more permanent than an above-ground pool, there are four main types of in-ground pools. The possibilities are endless for an indoor pool.