Stainless Steel Farmhouse Kitchen Sink

Stainless Steel Farmhouse Kitchen Sink. This can be a bit of an issue when you are doing the washing up. Stainless steel kitchen sinks are a durable and easy-to-maintain option.

36" Stainless Steel Farmhouse Front Apron Double Bowl
36" Stainless Steel Farmhouse Front Apron Double Bowl (Amelia Byrd)
Our collection of durable kitchen sinks delivers the quality you've come to expect from American Standard. Now we have more choices of material so let's break this down with pros and cons of each. Then, decide on the right style to complement your décor.

Then, decide on the right style to complement your décor.

When I first started selling sinks for kitchens you had a choice of "Cast Iron Enamel" or "Stainless Steel" that's it and it was easy to choose just by the aesthetics.

36" Atwood 70/30 Offset Double-Bowl Stainless Steel

stufurhome NationalWare Apron/Farmhouse Stainless Steel 30

42" Optimum 60/40 Offset Double Bowl Stainless Steel

AZ202-ZR - 33" Stainless Steel Double Bowl Farmhouse Apron

36 Inch Stainless Steel Single Bowl Flat Front Farm Apron

36" Stainless Steel Farmhouse Front Apron Double Bowl

Build a Custom Kitchen Sink - Havens Metal

33" Apron Front Stainless Steel Single Bowl Farmhouse

36" Optimum Stainless Steel Farmhouse Sink - Wave Apron

KOHLER kitchen sinks come in a variety of styles, designs and materials. This is the perfect farmhouse sink that can beautifully blend with any kitchen decor. Do you need a drop-in kitchen sink, corner kitchen sink or undermount kitchen sink?