Types Of Bunk Beds. A bunk bed is a type of bed in which one bed frame is stacked on top of the other, allowing two beds to occupy floor space intended for just one bed. Bunk beds are ideal for creating that much needed extra sleeping space in your children's rooms.
A basic bunk bed is a bed above a bed The Scandi-style bunk bed is compact, leaving plenty of room for play and additional furnishings, but the beds can also be separated as and when the. Huge range of kids bunk beds available, all at great prices with UK delivery. Bunk beds are ideal for creating that much needed extra sleeping space in your children's rooms.
Most bunk beds feature two stacked sleep surfaces, but some models may include three stacked beds.
They save space, and they can make a smaller bedroom seem a lot bigger.
A bunk bed consists of two Twin-size beds stacked one on top of the other, with a ladder used to climb up to the top bunk. What this does is give you space to put a desk, dresser, or other type of storage. Bunk beds are one of those ingenious inventions which have continually evolved through time.